
News on the labeling of food products in Ukraine


We would like to inform you on the recent news concerning the food products in Ukraine. The Language Law. On July 16, the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as State Language” came into force. The law stipulates that the only state (official) language in Ukraine is Ukrainian language, however it […]


How does Brexit impact the medical devices market of Ukraine?


News under the tag “Brexit” appear in Ukrainian mass media more and more frequently, describing various aspects of the UK politics and economics. Considering new development vector of any country, first of all we must consider the political process with hardly predictable multi-level impact on certain economic realm, industries and production. It is important not […]


Recognition of EC certificates for medical devices in Ukraine


About three years ago the first Agreement on recognition of conformity assessment results was signed by notified body TÜV SÜD. This agreement started national conformity assessment of medical devices from the European market in a faster, more economical and transparent way. At the present moment about 30 EU notification bodies have signed such Agreements with Ukrainian […]


Overview of changes in legislation on medical devices in Ukraine


We inform you on the most actual news regarding medical devices in Ukraine in June, July and August 2019.  Technical regulations and market surveillance. On July 3, amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Technical regulations and conformity assessment’ came in force. Amendments were introduced under the Law ‘On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine […]


Medicines: news on registration, pharmacovigilance and quality management in CIS


n this digest you will find the most important news on registration, safety and quality management of medicinal products in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, which entered into force at the end of 2018 and in the first half of 2019.   The most significant news in brief: In Armenia On […]


Seminar on language requirements in Ukraine


Joint seminar related to the influence of new language policy on the medical market operators has been hosted by Cratia and Association of Medical Device Market Operators (www.amomd.com). On the event we spoke on the influence of Law of Ukraine dd April 25, 2019 “On assurance of functioning of the Ukrainian language as state language” […]


Law on state language of Ukraine


On May 16, 2019, the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language” (hereinafter – “the Law”) was published. The Law will enter into force on July 16, 2019, and transitional periods of 6 months have been set for a significant part of the provisions. The Law has […]


Changes in procedure of state registration of medicines, Ukraine


On April 9, 2019, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 296 came into force and approved amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 376 of May 26, 2005 “On approval of the procedure for state registration (reregistration) of medicines and fees for their state registration (reregistration)” and to the Order […]


News on medical devices in Ukraine, February 2019


1. All medical devices that include radio equipment (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS and other radio communication modules) must comply with the Technical Regulations of the radio equipment approved by Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.355 as of May 24, 2017 and when placing on the market, must be accompanied with relevant Declaration of conformity. […]

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We professionally perform registration of medicines, conformity assessment of medical devices, certification of cosmetics, disinfectants and special food products in Ukraine.
Our partners, international corporations and national manufacturers can best tell about our expertise and quality of work. For more than 15 years of work we have performed works for:

  • more than 150 manufacturers of medicines and active substances,
  • more than 800 manufacturers of medical devices and equipment,
  • more than 300 manufacturers of special food products and cosmetics.
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