General e-mail:
Baggovutovskaya str. 17-21, 6th floor, 04107, Kiyv, Ukraine
Work schedule:
Our working hours start at 09:30 and finish at 18:00 by Kiev time (GMT +02:00) from Monday to Friday. Usually some emploeyes leave office later but you should definitely make a call before late visit.

Managing partner

Irina Burtseva
Executive manager

Viktoriia Moroz
Key Account Manager
How to reach us:
Other modes of transport:
Shuttle taxis: No. 159 (18), 6, 527, 432, 6k (to Promenada shopping center);
Trolleybus: No. 18, 6, 33;
Bus: No. 31.
By car:
We are located very close to the center of the city, 10 minutes by car from Kreshatik-Maidan. Price by taxi from hotels in downtown should not exceed 4 USD (100 Hryvnas).
Metro (subway) station "Lukianivska'", then by bus #159 (18), 6, 527, 432, 6к; or trolleybus #18, 6, 33 to the "Promenada" stop.
Leave a request and we will contact you